Friday, May 29, 2015

30-Day Cardio Challenge

I go for this! And I am taking the challenge. I am competing with myself. (Note: I saw this in a friend's FB timeline.) No harm in trying. Though I must admit that doing the climber is a little difficult to do since I have a big tummy. :-) 

Why the sudden concern to do this? I want to be healthy. I want to live longer. Few days ago, I went for a medical check up after experiencing a slight pain the upper right part of my abdomen. I was not worried about my gall bladder. I have been living without it for several years now. I was worried about my liver. 

Well, after a blood chemistry and ultrasound, I found out that I still have a fatty liver and my cholesterol is too high. I was prescribed to take Simvastatin every night and Silymarin three times a day for a month. Then I will submit myself for another round of blood works. 

I know taking medicines is not enough. I have to do something about the the food that I eat and I really need to lose weight. Though I have targeted to lose at least 40lbs but not more than 50lbs by December 1. 

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