Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Starting Weight: 251lbs

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I am trying to revive this space for another and another round of attempt of losing weight. Since I have not feeling well for the past weeks due to abnormal bleeding that I have been experiencing, I went to see my doctor earlier. I was supposed to drop by her clinic last Friday but I felt too dizzy to move. In fact, I just stayed on bed the whole morning then tried to go to Manila Book Fair early in the afternoon. But I was not able to enjoy the exhibit because I just sat in one place while waiting for my sister to pick me up because I felt too dizzy. 

Come Saturday, my head was too heavy. I was teary-eyed and had a terrible headache. I again popped two advil caplets after every six hours. I had my enzyme water. That at least made me to sleep. My migraine attacks lately are unexplainable. As unexplainable as the bleeding that has been happening to me. 

Anyway, I was trying to work from home whenever I feel I can but had to go back to bed when I feel uneasy again. Thank you to Internet and this is made possible. 

Going back to the clinic, I went there at aroung 3pm when I felt a little better. I had to wait until almost 7pm to talk with my doctor. She had to perform two surgeries so I had to wait. After sharing with her what has been happening to me, she asked me to come back for transvaginal ultrasound and bone screening on Thursday. Tomorrow, I have to submit myself to blood testing. I asked for an emergency leave from work to have a full rest.

This is so untimely since we have so much to do at work. But I cannot compromise my health now. I did it in te past and it almost cost my life and I will not do it again this  time. 

When I started this blog, I was clueless on my weight. Well, I had the chance to weigh myself earlier. My weight? 251lbs. OMG!!!! This is my biggest weight ever!!! 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

10-minute Cardio Exercise at Home

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Fact. Exercise really helps to shake up those sleeping fats in all sections of our body. But not all individuals have the luxury of time every day to go to the gym to dedicate to workouts. So there are different tips to keep the body active such as walking, swimming, jogging, and the likes. Another thins is a few-minute cardio exercise right inside the comfort of your room or home. I stumbled upon this good video of ten-minute cardio exercise from Youtube but YouTips4U. 

There is no bad in trying. I will start doing this every night before sleeping to tire me out and have a better sleep. I will keep you updated. 
